It's pouring outside with almost continuous thunder at the moment. The power has flickered off and back on twice in the past 15 minutes. A perfect day for cleaning and feeding snakes. Not that any day is better than the other, because I feed and clean pretty much EVERY day after work. Today seems more pleasant for some reason. I've worked my way through all the African bush vipers (Atheris squamigera and chlorechis) and am now concentrating on the male eyelash vipers and side-striped palm vipers (pictured). This male posed nicely for the camera while all the bush vipers seemed to not want their photos taken with food in their mouths. Go figure...
That's a very, very nice photo ..despite the grossness of what looks like some form of a mouse!
The snake's pupil is very defined! Love the golden sparklies! =)
I agree. That's a very nice photo! And a very nice snake, as well. What a great way to show off your photos. I hope that you keep it up!
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