What I found inside was a pretty snake, alright! It was a Texas Coral Snake, which just so happens to possess the most dangerous venom of any venomous snake in Texas. Texas Coral Snakes belong to the Elapidae Family which includes the mambas, cobras, taipans and sea snakes and they possess a highly toxic venom that attacks the nervous system. Granted, very few people are ever bitten by a coral snake since encounters are rare and they have a very small head and mouth. That combination makes bites to humans almost impossible. It's a myth, however, that the coral snake has to "chew" it's victim to inflict a venomous bite. I witnessed this first hand when trying to photograph this particular snake. It bit the black poster board I originally thought of using as a back ground. One bite left a sizable amount of venom and made the entire process of photographing this thing VERY NERVE-RACKING!
If you're ever lucky enough to see one of these beauties in the wild but aren't quite sure if it's indeed a coral snake, just remember this simple rhyme:
Red and yellow
Kill a fellow.
Red and black
Friend of Jack (or venom lack).
That pertains to the banding, of course. As you can see in the photo, the red bands touch the yellow bands. The milk snake, which is so often mistaken for a coral snake, has red and black bands touching. Instead of trying to determine which snake it actually is, it's probably a better idea to just let the snake pass and go it's way. Now that I think about it, I wonder how my co-worker even caught this thing. Hmm, if he only knew!
First, my tupperware disappeared, then various other dishes and then the pillow cases became scarce. NOW, the sickness has grown and spread to the belongings of your co-workers! =0
Excellent post, baby! By the way, they make some pretty realistic rubber snakes now, including coral snakes. I hear they are much easier and safer to photography. Just thought. =)
Who was the coworker? Was it Landfill? That's nuts.
Thanks for getting him to Pat so he could be released in a safe place!
XXXX - No, it wasn't Landfill, he typically grows faint around venomous snakes (there's your next blog, BABY!) It was Bobby, can you believe it?!! He saw another one in his neighbor's drive-way eating another snake. His new neighborhood is infested!
Two others were just released the day before so this guy will have buddies in his new 'hood!
I am not sure that the subject of 'that' post would want it made public. ;-) It was funny...later...after the sweat had dried!
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